In toronto real estate, buying a home can be very stressful and complicated with all the paperwork, acknowledgements, representations and agreements that are required, as well as the normal process of due diligence that most buyers and some sellers want to include. As a buyer, you normally enter into an agreement of purchase and […]
toronto real estate
CMHC says there Is no risk of 1980s-style condo bubble in Toronto
In toronto real estate, most Toronto condominium projects do not begin construction until 70 per cent of units are sold, curbing the risk of speculation, CMHC said on Tuesday in a report that suggested overbuilding fears may be overdone. A prolonged Canadian housing market boom, particularly in the two major markets of Toronto and […]
Beware Of The Principal Residence Exemption Pitfalls In Canada
In Toronto real estate, when a person sells her home, thanks to the Principal Residence Exemption, she isn’t usually taxed on capital gains. Similarly, if a principal residence is owned when a taxpayer dies, the residence will not attract a tax liability realized from the deemed disposition of assets. But, as Keith Masterman, LLB says, […]
No detached homes for young buyers — at least not in Toronto and Vancouver
In toronto real estate, the reality of today’s housing market is that young people may need to kiss the dream of owning a single family detached home goodbye. It is extremely difficult. If you live outside the metro areas of Toronto and Vancouver, you’re probably tired of all the whining — this doesn’t even apply […]
End 5 per cent Down Payment Idea Will Hurt Millennials To Buy Home
Some of Canada’s top bankers are so worried the housing market has grown out of control that they are urging the government to make it harder for them to lend out mortgages. In toronto real estate, critics say the bankers’ proposal to end five-per-cent minimum down payments on insured mortgages wouldn’t cool off the heated […]