Toronto real estate is facing maximum bubble risk in North America – UBS bank Swiss іnvеѕtmеnt bаnk UBS might thіnk twісе about lеndіng оut $4 million for thаt Toronto bungalow, ѕіnсе thе multіnаtіоnаl dееmѕ the сіtу’ѕ rеаl estate mаrkеt thе ѕесоnd biggest rіѕk іn thе wоrld. Thе UBS Global Rеаl Eѕtаtе Bubblе […]
toronto real estate
Low-rise homes have gained impressive 10-year result
In toronto real estate, further proof that property investment in Toronto hot market has been a solid choice – as if it was really needed. The average price of a low-rise home in the Greater Toronto has more than doubled since 2006, according to the Building Industry and Land Development Association (BILD). The average […]
For $1 million, you get these type of condos in Toronto
In toronto real estate, the $1 million condo in Toronto ain’t what it used to be. You’d think this benchmark price would get you boast-worthy pad with lots of luxury features and amenities, but some of the listing out there are downright pedestrian, particularly those located in high demand neighbourhoods. Read it and weep, […]
Rising housing prices bring social revolution in Toronto and Scarborough
“The city of Toronto as a whole, Scarborough in particular, is in the midst of a social revolution,” says city studies professor July, 2016 is looking to be another record-breaking month as housing prices in Toronto continue to soar. Scarborough, in particular, has seen the steepest increases this year. Prices of single detached houses […]
Public transit affects new condo constructions and home values in Toronto
In toronto real estate, the Cosmos development is part of a residential building boom tied to Toronto’s new transit lines. These are the kinds of homes that planners and developers say will blur the line between urban and suburban living. Public transit access boosts property values, and is increasingly a must-have for GTA homebuyers. […]