In toronto real estate, with concerns rising that a new housing tax in Vancouver could further drive up prices in the Greater Toronto Area’s already hot real estate market, Ontario’s finance minister isn’t ruling out a similar tax here. “Our government understands the importance of concerns related to housing affordability and ensuring a stable […]
toronto real estate
Toronto housing market is spooked by Vancouver real estate tax
In toronto real estate, Toronto’s red-hot real estate market could get even hotter as foreign nationals looking to dodge a new 15 per cent tax on properties in Vancouver seek new places to invest, realtors say. The Vancouver real estate tax, which takes effect Tuesday, was introduced by the British Columbia government with the […]
Renters are causing demand in new Toronto highrise construction
In Toronto real estate, a study by real estate consultant Urbanation and obtained by CBC News shows much of Toronto’s high rise construction in 2016 is being fuelled by demand from renters who are either unable or unwilling to pay record prices for real estate. It’s a significant change from the previous decade’s boom, which was spurred primarily by […]
Real estate transparency law, how it works
In real estate law, confidentiality rules mean bidders can’t see contents of other bids, but Ontario legislation has transparency rules, too. In toronto real estate, when you’re involved in a bidding war for a home and you lose, it can be frustrating and discouraging — even heartbreaking. Especially when you find out that […]
SPIS real-estate document could induce a path to court
In toronto real estate, the Seller Property Information Statement (SPIS) continues to be the single most dangerous document in current use in the real estate market. Since 1997, when the form first came into use, there have been 94 reported Ontario court cases centred on the document. Across the country, the total exceeds 250. […]