Sciatica Symptoms Sciatica Symptoms – in a nutshell – generally consist of pain, numbness and/or weakness, and/or electrical type feelings such as pins and needles, shock, etc, down one leg. Initially, sciatic pain may be mild, but over time, it grows in intensity, sometimes to unbearable levels. Most forms of sciatica originate in the lumbar […]
toronto health
Nuts And Seeds Offer A Bounty Of Nutrition
You can’t spell ‘nutrition’ without ‘nut’ Nuts offer a bounty of nutrients, ample protein and are a source of unsaturated fats, which makes them a satiating snack. Nuts and seeds offer a bounty of nutrition and are a satisfying snack. The noise about nuts’ nutritional attributes is louder than ever, and they’re available in a […]
Pineapples and Health
Pineapples and Health Pineapple juice has been fermented into an alcoholic beverage in the past, and used to alleviate body heat and fevers. It was used externally to dissolve warts, callouses and painful corns. Due to the large amounts of natural acids (citric, malic, and tartaric) and bromelain enzyme, large amounts of fresh pineapple […]
How to Spot a Weight Loss Scam
Sneaky Ways to Spot a Scam Photo Credit: Blend Images/John Fedele/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images Updated August 15, 2015. Written or reviewed by a board-certified physician. See’s Medical Review Board. Dieters, it’s time to arm yourself with shrewd new consumer tools. Sneaky manufacturers are using new scams to market their questionable weight loss products. This […]
9 Foods and Herbs That May Help You Shed Pounds
Photo Credit: Melina Hammer/Moment/Getty Images Obesity affects more than one-third of adults in the United States, according to estimates from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. A major health threat, obesity is known to increase your risk of heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and several types of cancer. Certain foods and herbs are […]