When we think “exercise” we often think about getting 6-pack abs or a behind like JLo. But what if I told you there’s one miracle exercise you’re not doing that could provide you with life-changing benefits way beyond a flat stomach or the perfect derriere? Doing Kegel exercises strengthens the pelvic muscles and has […]
toronto health
Sitting Won’t Kill You – If You Walk Enough
If you’ve been scared into using a standing desk by dire reports of “sitting is the new smoking” your head may spin with a new study that disputes that conclusion. Researchers followed 5000 London office employees for 16 years and found no association of long periods of sitting with increased risks of mortality. The Whitehall […]
Health Benefits of Tomatoes
Photo Credit: Westend61/Getty Images Tomatoes are rich in vitamin A and potassium and low in calories, which is probably enough to qualify as a nutrient-dense superfood.Tomatoes are also rich in an antioxidant called lycopene that may reduce damage done by free radicals and has been linked to lower risks of some forms of cancer. Lycopene may also have anti-inflammatory properties […]
How Much Dark Chocolate Should I Eat to Live Longer
If you’re a chocolate lover, you’re probably well aware of research that suggests it has important health benefits, mostly through improving heart health. After all, who doesn’t want to justify their chocolate addiction, in the name of longevity? But what “dose” of daily chocolate, is healthiest? Past studies have suggested that the greatest benefit from chocolate […]
11 Foods to Prevent Iron Deficiency
Iron deficiency anemia is the most common cause of nutritional deficiency. It can cause severe anemia and appears to be related to cognitive delays in children. For many people, the key to preventing iron deficiency is ensuring an adequate amount of iron in the diet. Below are some foods that are rich in iron. Liver is not […]