Your time is precious, so why should you spend it doing yoga? You could be doing Zumba or spinning or Tae Kwan Do. Taking a nap, taking a walk, taking a swim. Actually, those things are all great and you should definitely do them. But you should also do yoga. Here’s ten reasons why. […]
health & fitness
10 Uses for Dish Soap
Dish soap can be used for so many more chores than just dishes. Dish soap is actually one of the most versatile cleaners in your arsenal. Find out all the varied places that dish soap can help around the house. Westend61/Getty Images 1. Mopping A mild dish soap is a surprisingly good floor cleaner. […]
Common Causes of Wrist Pain
Wrist pain is an extremely common complaint, and there are many common causes of this problem. It is important to make an accurate diagnosis of the cause of your symptoms, so that appropriate treatment can be directed at the cause. If you have wrist pain, some common causes include: Wrist Tendonitis Tendonitis is […]
Diabetes – Where You Live Affects Your Diabetes Risk
Across the United States, living in close proximity to healthy food options and fresh markets is linked to lower rates of diabetes, according to a new report from the Union of Concerned Scientists. In regions with above-average population of people of color, the effect was especially significant given that type 2 diabetes has […]
Cocoa May Help Patients with Diabetes, Heart Failure
Chocolate bars are not normally something one thinks diabetes and heart failure patients should eat, but researchers are now saying patients have shown improvement after consuming a dark chocolate bar and a beverage enhanced with epicatechin, a flavonoid found in dark chocolate, every day for three months. According to UPI, the test subjects’ […]