Losing fat and getting fit can feel frustrating especially when you are expending the energy and not seeing results. Other factors could be at play here and it will be necessary to dig deeper than just taking walks and eating baby carrots to get to the bottom of the problem.

Stress Plays A Large Role in Not Losing Fat
We all have stress in life but it can become a chronic problem negatively affecting our thoughts, behaviors, and overall health. “Experts now believe that the problem for many of us is being in a constant state of stress. Exposure to cortisol over the long term can lead to weight gain, as your appetite and insulin levels are continuously increased.” Read more about how stress may be playing a large role in our bodies holding onto fat especially around the abdomen. More »

Drinking too much Alchohol Equals Increased Fat
Happy hour doesn’t sound so good when it is keeping you from losing fat. The issue with alcohol is not being able to stop at one and the empty calories do nothing but add inches to your waistline. Studies have shown alcohol to suppress fat burning and interfere with normal metabolic processes. This may be disappointing news but don’t let your feelings stop you from being informed about this very important topic. Read on! More »

Still Not Eating Right but Think You Are for Fat Loss?
You have been going along eating what you think is a healthy food plan and not seeing results in fat loss. What the heck is going on? Several things could be happening and taking an honest look into your food intake will be necessary. The possibility of not eating enough could be placing your body in starvation mode and reserving fat stores, or eating too large of portions and calories contributing to weight gain. Are you falling for processed foods labeled fat free and sugar free thinking you have hit the motherlode for fat loss? Have you eliminated essential nutrients from your diet? Read more about eating right for fat loss and evaluate if you are in fact, doing it right! More »

Additional Fat Loss Tip:
How much are you exercising per week and are you truly challenging yourself? Are you getting your sweat on? Is your heart rate up for at least 20-30 minutes per session? Exercise is linked to stress reduction, fat loss and overall improved health. It is important to exercise at least 3 to 5 times per week in combination with a healthy nutritional program. Sedentary bodies lead to additional unwanted fat. Time to MOVE!
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