Whether you’re on the road, at home or in a rush, this full body strength training workout can be done anytime, anywhere. You’ll work all your muscle groups including the chest, shoulders, arms, abs and lower body with plenty of tips for how to add or change the intensity of each exercise. Perform this workout 2 or 3 nonconsecutive days a week, making sure to warm up with 5 or 10 minutes of light cardio and end your workout with a stretch.
See your doctor before trying this workout if you have any injuries, illnesses or other conditions. Modify the exercises as needed to fit your fitness level and goals.
Equipment Needed
A chair, bed or bench.
Recommended Workout
- Circuit Style – Perform each exercise for 30-60 seconds, one after the other with very little rest in between exercises. Repeat the circuit up to 3 times, depending on your time, fitness level and goals.
Let’s get started with your first exercise: Walking Pushups
2 of 9 Walking Pushup
How To: Begin in a pushup position with the left hand on a marker of some kind (a piece of paper, a sock, a cat, etc.). On the toes (harder) or the knees, perform a pushup and, as you press up, walk the hands to the left until the right hand is on the marker. Continue pushups, alternating walking the hands to either side.
Reps/Sets/Duration: 30-60 seconds
Change Intensity: Do the pushups on your knees, move the pushup around the world like a clock.
Next Exercise: Fast, Low Squats
3 of 9 Fast, Low Squats
How To: Begin with feet hip width apart and take the arms straight up overhead. Bend the knees and lower into a squat, going as low as you can while forcefully pulling the arms down. Repeat, moving as quickly as you can and going as low as you can.
Reps/Sets/Duration: 30-60 seconds
Change Intensity: Lift up onto your toes or jump as you stand up.
Next Exercise: Around the World Lunge/Squats
4 of 9 Around the World Lunge/Squats
How To: Step forward with the left foot and lower into a lunge, keeping the front knee behind the toe. Push into the heel to step back and immediately step out to the left and into a squat. Press back to start and take the left leg back into a reverse lunge, again keeping the front knee behind the toe. Bring the left leg back to start and repeat for all reps before switching sides.
Reps/Sets/Duration: 30-60 seconds on each side
Add Intensity: Add a jump to the lunge, the squat or all three exercises.
Next Exercise: Bent Over Squats with a Leg Lif
5 of 9 Bent Over Squats with Leg Lifts
How To: Bend over with hands behind the back, abs engaged. Take the left leg out to the side, toe on the floor and bend the right knee into a squat. Straighten the right leg as you lift the left leg a few inches off the floor. Keep the hip, knee and foot in alignment and facing the front of the room.
Reps/Sets/Duration: 30-60 seconds on each side
Change Intensity: Squat as low as you can, keep the leg lifted the entire time.
Next Exercise: Triceps Dips
6 of 9 Triceps Dips
How To: Sit on a chair or bench and balance on your arms, moving backside in front of the step with legs bent (easier) or straight. Bend the elbows and lower into a dip, keeping the shoulders down, until elbows are at 90 degrees. Push back up, keeping your hips very close to the chair the entire time.
Reps/Sets/Duration: 30-60 seconds on each side
Add Intensity: Straighten the legs, prop your legs on another chair.
Next Exercise: Back Extensions
7 of 9 Back Extensions
How To: Lie face down on a mat and place the hands behind the head. Contract the abs and keep them contracted throughout the exercise. Squeeze the back to lift the chest a few inches off the floor. Lower and repeat.
Reps/Sets/Duration: 30-60 seconds
Change Intensity: Lift both arms and legs at the same time.
Next Exercise: Pyramid Planks
8 of 9 Pyramid Planks
How To: Begin in a plank position on the forearms . Press the hips up toward the ceiling while staying on the forearms (like an upside ‘v’) and gently press the heels to the floor. Hold briefly, then come back to your plank and push up onto the hands. Hold (back straight) for a few counts and then press back into a downward dog, stretching the heels to the floor and the chest gently through the arms.
Come back into your plank, lower down to the elbows and repeat the entire series.
Reps/Sets/Duration: 30-60 seconds
Change Intensity: Do the move on the knees to make it easier.
Next Exercise: Plank with Knee Bends
9 of 9 Plank with Knee Bends
How To: Begin in a plank position, on the hands and toes. Lift the left foot off the floor and bend the knee, pulling it in towards the chest. Cross the left foot over the right leg, hold briefly, then take left knee back to the chest. Bring the left foot back into your full plank and repeat on the other side.
Reps/Sets/Duration: 30-60 seconds
Change Intensity: Do the move on the knees to modify.