In toronto real estate, the days when you could actually find a beautiful low-rise house in Toronto is over. Only a few Torontonians can now afford to buy houses and also few of them purchased low-rise homes in April, 2016. The Building Industry and Land Development Association (BILD) simply described it in these words: […]
Toronto Real Estate Posts
Buying a home in the GTA requires a six-figure income
In toronto real estate, it takes a six-figure household income to afford a home in the Greater Toronto Area. The exceptions are a couple of pockets of Durham where, if you’re earning a little less than $100,000 a year, you can still find a starter nest. A study being published Friday by real estate […]
Downtown Railway track space could become Toronto’s ‘Central Park’
In toronto real estate, a bold new legacy park pitched by public officials for the downtown core, being dubbed Toronto’s Central Park, would link long-separated neighbourhoods and provide much needed green space. That’s the hope of Mayor John Tory, local politicians and senior planning officials in the newly announced attempt to secure the rights […]
Toronto suburb Durham region house prices ‘not sustainable’
In toronto real estate, housing prices in Durham Region are on the rise. And just like those other parts of the country, some are saying the growing prices are not sustainable. According to a news release from the Durham Region Association of Realtors, average selling prices in Durham Region were up 15.8 per cent […]
Zero down on a $2 million house – no problem in Silicon Valley’s real estate market in California
It turns out that even the well-off need help in a housing market as crazy as the one in the San Francisco Bay area, and lenders are elbowing each other in a rush to provide it. They’re courting Silicon Valley workers with tailored loans, guaranteed 24-hour approval and financial-planning services. Social Finance Inc. has […]