So you’ve decided you want to close your credit card. Maybe your credit card issuer won’t lower your interest rate. Or perhaps the credit card no longer benefits you. Maybe you’re simplifying your wallet and need to let some credit cards go. Once you’ve made sure that closing your credit card isn’t going to hurt […]
Toronto Personal Finance Posts
7 Times You Shouldn’t Use Your Credit Card
Before you make a credit card purchase, do you question whether it’s a good idea to swipe? Just because your credit card issuer gave you access to a credit line and just because there’s something you want to buy doesn’t mean it’s a good time to use your credit card. Here are a few […]
5 Best Practices For a Wealthy, Happy Retirement
Preparing for retirement is an extremely important task, but one that doesn’t receive nearly the attention it deserves. To set yourself up for a happy retirement, you’ll want to do more than figure out how to just “get by.” After all, no one wants to spend their golden years wondering when- or if- their […]
Debit Card Mistake That Can Cost Big Bucks
There are some pitfalls that consumers should know in order to prevent their money from being tied up unnecessarily. The “Oops” Scenario The way debit card purchases work is that the retailer rings up your sale, swipes your card, receives an approval code, and the bank then puts the amount of the purchase into […]
Home Equity Lines of Credit – What You Need To Know
The money can be plentiful, relatively easy to get, and hard to resist. A home equity line of credit can help improve your living circumstances and possibly lead to financial gain. But according to an RBC report last week, Canadians’ outstanding debt on personal lines of credit hit $266 billion as of April, a 3.2 […]