If you’ve ever experienced the pain of a burnt frying pan, I bring good news! You can put away your rubber gloves and rest your weary arms. I have found a solution that is chemical-free, cuts scrubbing time in half and lets you keep your pan. Cheer! if you’ve ever experienced the pain of […]
Toronto News Posts
Kegel Pelvic Muscle Exercises
When we think “exercise” we often think about getting 6-pack abs or a behind like JLo. But what if I told you there’s one miracle exercise you’re not doing that could provide you with life-changing benefits way beyond a flat stomach or the perfect derriere? Doing Kegel exercises strengthens the pelvic muscles and has […]
Sitting Won’t Kill You – If You Walk Enough
If you’ve been scared into using a standing desk by dire reports of “sitting is the new smoking” your head may spin with a new study that disputes that conclusion. Researchers followed 5000 London office employees for 16 years and found no association of long periods of sitting with increased risks of mortality. The Whitehall […]
Toronto Named A Hardest Working City In North America
After an exhaustive review of approximately 400 metropolitan areas in Canada and the U.S., Toronto received the most recent Freightliner Trucks Hardest Working City award for having one of the largest construction, manufacturing, and transportation workforces in North America. “As the fourth largest city in North America and a workforce leader, it’s no surprise […]
Big Bite Why Beef Is Soaring In Price
The winds that blow through Antelope Butte Ranch, located roughly 200 kilometres south of Calgary where the mountains meet the Prairies, are volatile — like the price of beef. Today prices of beef are up and the wind is down. “Sometimes you do well. Sometimes you don’t. These are good years right now,” said Hugh Lynch-Staunton as […]