Your credit history plays a major role in getting approved for a car loan. Unfortunately, buying a car with bad credit is tough, even if you have the income and a stable job history. A history of late payments, high debt, bankruptcy, or repossession is a sign to the lender that you’e at risk […]
Toronto Mortgage Posts
RRSPs are about much more than just retirement
While the word “retirement” makes up one of the four letters in the RRSP acronym, many investors just starting out may not realize that an RRSP can be useful for many things other than post-work income. RRSPs can be used, for example, (1) to generate an emergency source of income after unexpected job loss; […]
5 Best Times to Make Credit Card Payment
The saying “timing is everything” definitely applies to your credit card payment. If you pay late, you’ll not only incur late fees, but you also risk damaging your credit and having your interest rate increased to the highest penalty rate. The timing of your credit card payment – even when you pay on time […]
7 Times You Shouldn’t Use Your Credit Card
Before you make a credit card purchase, do you question whether it’s a good idea to swipe? Just because your credit card issuer gave you access to a credit line and just because there’s something you want to buy doesn’t mean it’s a good time to use your credit card. Here are a few […]
Canadians want to hikes in interest rate to cool down hot housing market in 2021
Canadians want to hikes in interest rate to cool down hot housing market in 2021 Canadians аrе ѕо аlаrmеd by the rеd-hоt hоuѕіng mаrkеt that mаnу ѕау they’d lіkе to ѕее thе сеntrаl bаnk rаіѕе thе соѕt оf borrowing tо dаmреn demand fоr rеаl estate аnd ѕtаbіlіzе prices. About 70 реr cent оf […]