You don’t have to get too fancy with spring produce. After a long winter of brassicas and root vegetables, it’s often enough to simply embrace the crunch and fresh flavours of farmers’ market and produce aisle finds. Here’s a look at six spring vegetables, and some easy ways to prepare them. ARTICHOKES […]
Toronto Health Posts
Back Exercises to manage back pain
Experts often tout back exercise as the best way to manage pain. But many people don’t know where to start. How can you get your back strong without hurting it in the process? First, get your doctor’s okay to exercise. Also, seeing a licensed physical therapist may get you started exercising in a way […]
10 Untrendy Superfoods Every Kitchen Needs
Seriously, superfoods don’t have to be exotic roots or berries that cost a small fortune at the trendiest health food stores. There are plenty of untrendy superfoods waiting for you on the shelves of any supermarket. These ten foods are not weird nor unknown, but they often go under-appreciated. Flip through the slideshow and take a look. […]
11 Reasons You Need to Drink More Water
Your body contains more water than anything else — about 60 percent of your total body weight. Water helps regulate your body temperature, transports nutrients and helps remove waste. Every day you lose water when you breathe, sweat, urinate and defecate, and that water needs to be replenished. The big question is how much […]
New Minnesota research links low income, diabetes
Low-income adults in Minnesota are much more likely to develop diabetes than people with higher incomes, according to the Minnesota Department of Health. New research shows that 13 percent of working-age Minnesotans who earn less than $35,000 annually have diabetes. That compares to a diabetes rate of just 5 percent for earners who make […]