In 2011, the United States Preventative Services Task Force (USPSTF) made a recommendation to discontinue PSA screening. This shocked the medical community responsible for treating prostate cancer, primarily the urologists and radiation therapists, who have passionately believed that early diagnosis and early treatment of prostate cancer saves lives. However, with radical prostatectomy rates continually […]
Toronto Health Posts
What You Have Not Been Told About Acetaminophen
Health Canada and the makers of Tylenol know how many Canadians die every year from acetaminophen, Canada’s most commonly used painkiller. But they haven’t told you. The Star has obtained an internal report from drug manufacturer Johnson & Johnson — never before made public — that found between 2000 and 2011, an average of 68 […]
Coffee – the Bad, the Good and the Better
Fitness enthusiasts have long been wary of coffee, probably because of its addictive properties. But is it really bad for us? The truth is, it depends. How you metabolize it, how much you drink, and how you’re drinking it can make all the difference. Coffee. You wake to its rich aroma. You warm your hands […]
Fruits to Avoid if You Have Diabetes
If you have diabetes, chance are someone has said that you are not allowed to eat fruit. This is not true; people with diabetes can eat fruit and fruit can be included in a healthy eating plan. But, because fruit is a carbohydrate, fruit will affect your blood sugar and you cannot eat unlimited […]
8 Places to Use Baking Soda
Russell Sadur/Dorling Kindersley/Getty Images It’s not that baking soda can clean everything, but it can definitely make almost everything cleaner. Check out these places around your home that could use a little baking soda. 1. Drains You may have seen the volcano science experiment for what happens when you pour vinegar onto […]