Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for brain and nervous system function, plus they’re good for your heart because they decrease the risk of arrhythmias, lower triglyceride levels and blood pressure, and they help keep plaque from clogging your arteries. The American Heart Association recommends eating fish at least two times each week. Fish are some of […]
Toronto Health Posts
5 Exercises For Better Balance
Balance is divided into two types: static and dynamic. Static balance is the ability to maintain the body’s center of mass within its base of support. Dynamic is the ability to move outside of the body’s base of support, while maintaining posture control. Both are important, and both can be improved with exercises that […]
How to Protect Yourself from Cell Phone Radiation
How You Use Your Cell Phone Can Lower Your Exposure to Cell Phone Radiation Despite the mixed research results, many people are increasingly concerned about the possible health effects of frequent, long-term exposure to cell-phone radiation. How Our Bodies Absorb Cell Phone Radiation Different cell-phone models emit different amounts of radiation, so one way to […]
3 Foods To Avoid Causing Your Joints Hurt
When joints stiffen and swell, the pain can make everything—from picking up a pen or taking a walk to mowing the lawn or cooking dinner—completely and utterly miserable. If you don’t know the feeling, chances are you know someone who does—about 1 in 5 adults in the United States have doctor-diagnosed arthritis, according to […]
10 Reasons You Should Add Vinegar To Your Laundry
Inexpensive white distilled vinegar can be used in the laundry to whiten, brighten, reduce odor and soften clothes without harsh chemicals. It is safe to use in both standard and high-efficiency washers and is beneficial to septic tanks and the environment. You will usually find distilled white vinegar next to apple cider vinegar. You’ll also […]