Central Toronto Real Estate TRREB Released September, 2021 Resale Market Figures September 2021 mаrkеd the trаnѕіtіоn from the slower ѕummеr mаrkеt tо thе buѕіеr fall mаrkеt in thе Grеаtеr Toronto Area (GTA). Evеrу уеаr, we generally see аn uрtісk іn ѕаlеѕ, average ѕеllіng price аnd lіѕtіngѕ аftеr Lаbоur Dау, and Sерtеmbеr 2021 wаѕ […]
Toronto Business Posts
10 Tips For Using Credit Cards for Shopping Safely Online
When shopping online, shopping safely online can be a challenge, especially if you stray from the larger e-tailers to get a better deal from a lesser known site. Here are 10 tips to help you gain some peace of mind while shopping online. 1. Check the seller’s customer satisfaction ratings. Other people’s […]
When real estate bubble bursts in Toronto, Vancouver, it will affect the rest of Canada
Buoyed by red-hot markets in Vancouver and Toronto, the country’s overall housing market may appear to be on fire but in reality real estate is slumping in Quebec City, Halifax, Calgary and Edmonton, where houses prices are down. “The reason is their economies are incredibly flat and you will see housing really start to […]
Canada’s banks sound the housing bubble alarm, finally
After years of pumping money into the country’s frothiest housing markets, Canada’s big banks are suddenly—and alarmingly—nervous about the debt-fuelled monster they’ve helped to create. In the span of a few days this week and last, several big-bank CEOs and chief economists let loose a flurry of warnings about surging home prices in Vancouver […]
Toronto market is in a bubble, an expanding bubble, and it is likely to end in tears
The Canadian and Toronto housing market just keeps getting hotter. Home prices in the Greater Vancouver area have surged 30% year over year in May, up from 15% at the end of 2015, according to the bank’s June 2016 Financial System Review. Meanwhile, prices in the Greater Toronto area are growing by 15% YoY, […]