Pressure is growing on Ottawa to take action on housing prices as banking executives are joining economists and global think-tanks in sounding the alarm about the runaway markets in Toronto and Vancouver. The latest call for action came from National Bank of Canada chief executive Louis Vachon, who told Bloomberg on Wednesday that Canada […]
11 Foods to Help Prevent Iron Deficiency
Iron deficiency anemia is the most common cause of nutritional deficiency. It can cause severe anemia and appears to be related to cognitive delays in children. For many people, the key to preventing iron deficiency is ensuring an adequate amount of iron in the diet. Below are some foods that are rich in iron. Liver is not […]
10 Fantastic Uses of Baking Soda for Green Clean
The baking soda is much more than an ingredient used for baking. It’s also an awesome and super effective green cleaner! Effective at deodorizing, whitening, scrubbing, and more, give it a try today. Banish burnt stainless steel pots and pans. Combat burnt-on foods by simply boiling some baking soda and water in your pan […]
10 Reasons to Start Yoga Today
Your time is precious, so why should you spend it doing yoga? You could be doing Zumba or spinning or Tae Kwan Do. Taking a nap, taking a walk, taking a swim. Actually, those things are all great and you should definitely do them. But you should also do yoga. Here’s ten reasons why. […]
10 Uses for Dish Soap
Dish soap can be used for so many more chores than just dishes. Dish soap is actually one of the most versatile cleaners in your arsenal. Find out all the varied places that dish soap can help around the house. Westend61/Getty Images 1. Mopping A mild dish soap is a surprisingly good floor cleaner. […]